In Loving Memory Of Trigger

Trigger came into the rescue as a senior after her owner passed away. When we had Trigger out at several adoption events, being a senior and a black white GSP, she didn’t get much attention. We knew what a lovely girl she was and how unfortunate her situation got after losing her owner, so we wanted to tell her story so that perhaps someone on Facebook or Twitter or on our Website would finally notice her.Well they did… When Trigger’s story went on our website, Kerry immediately contacted us. A week later, she and her family came out to the rescue to meet Trigger, and it didn’t take long for all of them to fall in love with her. Trigger, and their dogs Mojo and Bear, all got along splendidly, and even Trigger and their cat, Jazzy did fine together as well. They were all a big happy family.We told Joe that we heard that Triggers former owner trained her how to get him a beer. Joe’s response? “Well I love her even more”! We asked him to capture it on video and share it with us when she shows him her special talent.We recently received the sad news that Trigger passed away earlier this week at 17 years old. Trigger has been a cherished family member, and her past 4 years have been full of an abundance of love. We couldn't have asked for a better family for Trigger, and we are truly grateful to Kerry and Joe for opening up their hearts and home to a senior dog. She truly lived out the rest of her life treated like a princess. "In Memory of Trigger (Princess)With heavy hearts we want to pass on the message that our sweet Trigger has passed away at age 17, July 9th, 2018.4 Years ago a face popped up on the GSP Rescue facebook page, with one quick read of her story and look at her sweet face, Joe and I both agreed we need to adopt this girl. At the time she was 13 years old, her owner had passed and she was turned into the shelter. We didn't know if she would be in our lives for a month, a year or more but we knew this beautiful senior deserved a happy home for the rest of her days.Trigger came home with us and fit right in with the family and her 2 new brothers. You would never have known she was a senior if it wasn't for her precious ghost face because this girl was so full of energy. She would quite happily hike/run 3 miles and not want to stop.Trigger was definitely daddy's girl, waiting patiently for him to come home at night and whining all day until he did! She never did fetch a beer for him as we were informed she could do for her previous owner, I am guessing that was a special privilege only her owner of 13 years was allowed.We are so thankful that Trigger never seem to age until the last couple weeks, her decline was very quick, and we knew the time had come when she couldn't jump up to meet us at the door like usual.Our Trigger girl will be deeply missed. We were blessed beyond words to have her for 4 years and she will always hold a special place in our hearts".Kerry & Joe 


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