Brody Is Adopted!

Brody is adoptedBrody has found his forever home!It took this family of three nearly three years to consider adopting a new dog after the loss of their beloved Labrador, Harley. After a lot of research, they decided they wanted to add a new member to their family, and as they pondered it, they also considered the breed. They wanted a smart, active, handsome puppy to blend in with their active lifestyle, so mom picked the German Shorthaired Pointer.Kristy, daughter Sosie and son Sonny visited our rescue one day to find that they were interested in several dogs for adoption. Their absolute favorite, though, was a 10-month-old puppy named Brody. The puppy was just what they were looking for: active, intelligent and beautiful. The two children and their mother were ecstatic to bring the puppy home. They couldn’t wait to run, play and snuggle with him.Kristy told us because of their Armenian heritage, they named him “Manti.” Manti is a little Armenian dumpling with meat inside. Within 24 hours of his arrival, Manti became an integral part of their family, immediately falling in with their routine and contributing a happy vibe throughout the home. He is always up for chasing tennis balls, a run in the neighborhood, cuddling on a couch or accompanying the family on errands. Manti is a true joy to the family, a perfect new friend.Thank you Kristy, for reaching out to the rescue and for providing Manti his forever home!


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In Loving Memory Of Trigger