Mr Tibbs is Adopted!

Mr Tibbs is Adopted!It's not unusual for owners of German Shorthaired Pointers to turn to California GSP Rescue for assistance with their GSPs. In some cases we can guide them to help solve issues they are having while in other cases we assist in re-homing their GSP. Mr Tibbs' owner had every good intention when he made the decision to help out a struggling GSP owner and adopt their dog, however, uneducated about the breed, he soon realized how serious a mistake he had made. Unable to give Mr Tibbs the proper exercise and attention, in addition to not having an adequate space, the end was inevitable. Mr Tibbs owner soon inquired with California GSP Rescue about assisting with re-homing his GSP.It wasn't difficult to tell when evaluating Mr Tibbs that he had been lacking attention and exercise. Like most GSPs we rescue, these two essential elements are a necessary part to a well behaved GSP. When they are missing, managing a young GSP is next to impossible.When Mr Tibbs arrived, we didn't know what bad habits might surface. However, when we started giving him those two necessary elements, exercise and attention, we found he wasn't a bad dog. We were a little amazed at how well behaved he was for his age. Getting along well with other dogs allowed him to socialize and play with other GSPs in the training field which he loved doing. We knew in a short time, he would be a good candidate for a multi-dog home. We also found him to be quite responsive for being so young. It was difficult to imagine he had been hard for his previous owner to manage, but not getting daily exercise would make it difficult for anyone to manage him.Shortly after Mr Tibbs became available, we had a qualified applicant express an interest in Mr Tibbs. A qualified applicant with GSPs! An appointment was made to introduce Matthew & David's GSPs to Mr Tibbs. It didn't take long into the meeting for everyone to realize Mr Tibbs was the perfect dog for their pack.Matthew wrote the following update:"Quick update as we approach end of Week 2.  Mr Tibbs is doing great. Settled in like part of the family. He sits and shakes hands now, sits before he gets his leash on and sits for a treat. He and Maggie continue to be best friends. He is eating a lot and has put on a little weight. He has started coming on some early morning runs with me, but we are taking it very slow as I don't think he is used to all the activity and exercise. He sleeps a lot after. He loves going to Yucca Valley but he is still on leash as we get more confidence. This may take a while longer. All in all, we struggle to understand how anyone gave this dog up. He is a true character and makes us laugh everyday".Thank you Matthew and David for providing an amazing home for Mr Tibbs. We are looking forward to the future updates!


In Loving Memory Of Trigger


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