In Loving Memory Of Misty

Brad and Denise applied to adopt a younger GSP. Between the two of them, they had previously owned a miniature Dachshund, a Lab and an English Springer Spaniel who all passed away in their teens. Not ever owning a GSP, they did their research, and were committed to provide the activity and training a GSP required.

We had a couple of dogs we thought would be a good fit for them, but they fell in love with whom we called Mae at the rescue. A sweet and gentle girl who while younger than they had originally applied for, she was the one that they connected with. They made the long drive to meet her, and In October, of 2018, Mae joined their family, and was renamed Misty.

We had received updates about Misty, and seeing how happy she was and how much she was loved, warmed our hearts. Here is one of the updates we received.

“Misty is our princess. We just love our girl. Misty is very sweet, gentle, loving, a little goofy and mischievous. She loves her stuffed animals and an occasional taste of vanilla ice cream. She is great with children and other friendly dogs - squirrels lizards and cats ... not so much. She is a born leader and on group training walks she wants to lead the pack. Running free in open space is her happy place. She has brought us so much joy.! We found an excellent trainer and continue work on obedience training. She is making really nice progress. We are so grateful for the opportunity to have Misty in our family.

Everyone LOVES her. Thank you for what you do
All the best,

Denise & Brad”

Then recently we received this devastating news…

“I have sad news. Misty went to heaven in April. We have been too heart broken to post about it. It was sudden. She had terrible pain one day and became paralyzed a day later.. We took her to 3 vets in 48 hours and ended up at UC Davis where they did an MRI and found a cancerous tumor on her spine that had ruptured.

Misty was the little princess of the house. She was the sweetest most loving girl either of us have ever known. She was a beauty. We rescued her and she rescued us right back. She was our devoted companion and baby girl during the isolation of the pandemic. Some of Misty’s favorite things were running free in the Sierra Foothills, hunting for squirrels and lizards, her daily walks, rides in the car and curling up between her Dad and Mom for snuggles and TV. We miss her terribly. We weren’t prepared for this. She was still young and we had her for a brief 3-1/2 delightful years. We are so thankful for having the blessing of Misty in our lives. She was well known and loved in our community. So many people shared their condolences. We wanted you to know. Right now we are letting our hearts heal.

Thank you again for all you do!

Denise and Brad”

We are tremendously sorry for your loss, Brad and Denise. While we are deeply saddened by this news about Misty, we are grateful how she spent the last few years of her life with you both, even though it was far too short. Dogs live in the moment, so for Misty she knew love. A love that was enough for a lifetime.


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