In Loving Memory Of Jasmine

Jasmine, a beautiful 10 year old liver female GSP was surrendered to us by her owner because she killed one of their prize show birds. They asked us to find her a home where she will be the center of attention. 

Karen and Rick had previously rescued a GSP several years ago who passed away, and they wanted to get a companion for their 12 1/2 year old Australian Shepherd. They wanted another GSP, an adult dog who would not run circles around their senior dog, so they reached out to us to help them find a dog who would be a good fit for their family.

They were willing to wait for the right dog, and about a month later, Jasmine arrived. She was everything they were looking for. They had no birds or cats, and were excited to make her a part of their family. Jasmine whom they called Jazz or Jazzy after they adopted her, made sure she was the center of attention.

We are so grateful to Karen and Rick for opening up their hearts and home to a senior dog, and for giving her the life she deserved.

“It is with heavy hearts we are informing GSP Rescue of our Sweet Jazzy's passing.

We adopted her 5 years ago at the ripe young age of 10 1/2, as you all know, that is the age this wonderful breed tends to mellow out, but not our Jazzy!!  

Our previous GSP had passed and we were looking to rescue a 7 or 8 year old, with hunting skills but when my husband saw "Jasmine" on this website, we knew she was ours, with or without the skills.  Lucky for us, Jazzy knew how to hunt and did very well until about 13 years old when the sound of a gun frightened her, so she didn't go into the field after that.  Instead she decided her new skill would be hunting lizards.  She would chase them round and round our wood pile or sit on point for hours on end if they stared back at her.  

Jazzy was a sweet and kind soul, loving everyone and everything.  I started accumulating Mini Aussie and Jazzy took on her role as "Sister Mama" to all 3.  When we would play fetch, Jazzy would wait her turn for the ball, while still being very vocal, letting us know to hurry up and get to her turn.  I can't say the Aussie were as patient but Jazz let them grab the balls and I think she just loved the chase and hanging with her Mini Aussie Pack.

At 15 1/2, she was still active, raced out the dog door to greet visitors and bark at the Amazon drivers and trash trucks.  She was a wonderful addition to our family, her clicking nails on the tile is sorely missed. 

Thank you for the opportunity to make Jasmine/Jazzy JuJu ours.  

In her final 5 years on this earth, she gave love and was much loved”.

Thank you,

Karen, Rick, Sierra, Sarge and Sacatar Noel


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