Gretchen is Adopted!

Gretchen_Carolyn_Humphrey_DSC_0320w64 Carolyn was a previous adopter, and re-applied with us to find a companion for her GSP Humphrey after her beloved Chelsea passed away earlier this year.Gretchen hadn't been with us very long, but as we got to know her, we were pretty sure that this was going to be a perfect match. While Gretchen could not replace Chelsea, she would fill the void of companionship they were missing for both Carolyn and Humphrey.We recently received an update from Carolyn:"Gretchen is doing very well and having a blast running around the yard and shrubs hunting.  It also took her 36 hours to get around my intention to keep her off the bed!  But only for morning snuggles. . . so far. She often follows me around in the house (especially when I go into the kitchen) but also goes outdoors to explore independently. Humphrey is enjoying having a hunting partner."We could not ask for anything better!  Thank you Carolyn and Humphrey for welcoming Gretchen into your home and in your hearts.


In Memory of Sandy Rust


Amy In Memoriam