Amy In Memoriam

Amy GSP 140618 MemoriamIn 2009, Amy was one of the available Senior German Shorthaired Pointers at California GSP Rescue that had been rescued from a high kill shelter. She was what we refer to as a "no brainer", an easy going girl that gets along well with other dogs and people. At the time, she didn't receive much attention on the website or at appointments - mainly because of her age. However, Amy had an Angel that did see her on the website. Jill, not deterred because of her age and knowing she needed a home as much as the younger "more adoptable" GSPs, inquired about Amy. A short time later, after Jill submitted an application, Amy was going to her forever home with Jill. Earlier this week, Jill informed us that Amy had passed over the rainbow bridge due to congestive heart failure. Jill wrote the following in remembrance of Amy:Amy was always smiling. She was smiling in her photo on the GSP Rescue website. She smiled as she crawled into the back seat of our car before we’d even decided to take her. She smiled after her cataract surgery, when she could see again. She smiled whenever she got a knuckle bone to chew on, never mind that she didn’t have many teeth left. She was smiling as she entered her final sleep.We rescued Amy with some health issues. She’d birthed several litters, had night-blindness, and had lived at a rough shelter in Stanislaus County before coming to the rescue. We put her at around 10 years old or so. I figured she’d have a soft bed for a couple of years. That was in 2009.Those of us who rescue and adopt our dogs get that small solace when they leave us. "Where would she have been without me?" we ask. And, after they pass we wonder, "Where is she now?" In my weaker moments, I imagine Amy greeting my other dogs, stealing their tennis balls, enjoying unlimited jerky treats, and occasionally checking in on me, sending other worldly blessings my way, and, as always, smiling.RIP baby girl.California GSP Rescue would like to extend our gratitude to Jill for adopting and giving Amy a forever home she might not have had. While Amy was an easy dog to care for, it's not always easy finding individuals that are willing to open their hearts and homes for the older GSPs to live out their golden years. Jill did and we are forever grateful.


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