GSP Gordy is Safe!

GordyDogs at shelters are often stressed and unpredictable. Take Gordy for example. The shelter was strange and unfamiliar. With dogs barking, he didn't know what to expect and often growled at the animal control officers outside his cage. It isn't unusual for dogs at the shelter to exhibit this behavior and, depending on the shelter, they can be labeled "rescue only", not available to the public, as was Gordy. Once labeled, they are often removed from the public's view with their future dependent on any rescue that knows of their situation. Fortunately for Gordy, he was on the radar of NorCal GSP Rescue and Volunteer Robin who was in contact with the shelter working to get more information on him. At the same time, other volunteers were looking for a foster home that could manage a dog that hadn't yet been evaluated.With time running out and no foster home available, other arrangements needed to be made. Volunteer Dalia started working on a transport putting out feelers for anyone that might be driving south through California's Central Valley. She wasn't having too much luck but then found Pilot Pat and Co-pilot Nicole with Pilots and Paws that offered to help fly Gordy to his destination. Needing to leave early in the morning and the with shelter not opening until late morning, Volunteer Claire offered to pull Gordy from the shelter the day before the transport and overnight him so he could make his flight.While arrangements were being made to pull and transport Gordy, the shelter Vet had recommended Gordy get an ultrasound to check out what appeared to be a heart murmur that had been discovered when he was neutered. Arrangements were quickly made for California GSP Rescue to pay for the ultrasound that was performed prior to Gordy being pulled. Prior to leaving, the results of the ultrasound showed Gordy did not have a heart murmur. With a good ultrasound and arrangements for Gordy to be rescued, it appeared Gordy's luck had taken a turn for the better. Little did he realize it was about to get better, as he was about to be in the hands of some of the most knowledgeable and caring people in California that regularly work with German Shorthaired Pointers.Early Friday morning after spending the night at Volunteer Claire's home, Gordy boarded a plane to ride next to Transporter Dylan, whom gave him plenty of love and attention during the two hour plane ride, in what was beyond any first class one could imagine. Late Friday morning Gordy touched down and was met by a volunteer from California GSP Rescue - he was safe and one step closer to his forever home.As you can tell from Gordy's story, rescue takes more than one person. Even after Gordy arrives at his final destination, there are many other volunteers that will work to see he receives the care and attention he needs in addition to his exercise and training. He'll be further evaluated to see how he behaves around other dogs and possibly cats as well as how much training he might have had. While this is being done, other volunteers will be working with applicants and inquiries that are interested in Gordy. Many hours of dedicated volunteers will be spent finding Gordy a forever home. We would like to thank all the concerned individuals that have helped and will help Gordy.[donate_button button_type="custom" title="Sponsor Gordy" description="Help sponsor Gordy while his forever home is found. " style="wdf-fresh"]Short video of co-pilot Nicole telling of Gordy's first class rideGordy is available for adoption, and you can learn more about him here.


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