Charlotte and Clyde are Adopted!

Charlotte Clyde John DSC_0198w64Charlotte and Clyde are adopted - together!  We were so hoping to keep this pair of GSPs together, and John and Anna came along at just the right time!  They were looking for two dogs and a bonded pair was just perfect for them - which turned out to be just perfect for Charlotte and Clyde.  Both John and Anna, and their extended family, were all very excited to welcome Charlotte and Clyde - and we feel confident this will finally be a forever home for these sweet dogs.John wrote to let us know, "The dogs are doing great! They're spoiled rotten and loving it. We have a baseball field close by that's fenced in so we try to get them over there for a good run everyday...Clyde has been testing boundaries a bit, but Anna has been keeping him in line. Both dogs are very well behaved though. They're both starting to relax and get comfortable in their new home. "Thank you John and Anna for keeping this pair together and giving them just what they needed! 


GSP Gordy is Safe!


Why Do We Care About Dogs?