Cookie is Adopted!

Cookie aka Dixie Meredith Bella Chloe Princess Meredith, Chloe and Bella (and Princess) came out with the intent to adopt one of Cookie's puppies.  However, with Meredith's exercise regimen and her sufficient fencing, Cookie was also an option for her.   Meredith runs over 30 miles a week and , with a young female such a Cookie, this was something that may meet Cookie's young active GSP needs.   Meredith and her daughters Chloe and Bella (as well as their dog princess) met Cookie's puppies and Cookie.  While the girls were quite taken with Cookie's puppies originally...Meredith had the sense to realize that a young adult dog would be more manageable in their home and decided that Cookie was the best fit for them....her girls agreed as they began to play with Cookie and the tennis ball in the field.  Meredith also felt Cookie would have the maturity to deal with her adult dogs Princess and Hollywood.They have adopted Cookie and are already in love with her.  Meredith reports that she tried to work Cookie up from 3 miles but Cookie wouldn't have any of it.  The first day out Cookie required a six mile run instead.  She also stole a loaf of bread off of the counter and tried to run UP the girls slide to get to her daughters.  They are enjoying her antics and playful personality already but also know they will be working on some manners in the home as well as some training on a leash (especially when a bunny is in site).We are again grateful for a lovely home that could give Cookie (now Dixie) the exercise she needs as well as the training and companionship.


Update On Former GSP Rescue Dog, Willow


GSP Gordy is Safe!