Update On Former GSP Rescue Dog, Willow

photo(2)We could never imagine seeing Willow the way that she is today.  We had Willow for two years…two years!  So much longer than any of us hoped to ever have such a wonderful GSP.  Willow had a horrible experience in a shelter before she came to us with some aggressive dogs - resulting in dominant behavior that made her hard to place. With a wonderful foster dad, Mark, and a dedicated volunteer, Keith, who picked her up each Saturday for training, we saw progress, but we were never able to allow Willow to run free with the other dogs in the field.Marty and his wife came along wanting a younger female GSP and met Willow.  They knew the issues Willow had with other dogs but felt with their guidance and the way their home was structured that they could manage Willow.  They took her home almost three years ago now.We had the privilege of seeing Willow recently and the transformation is beyond what any of us could have hoped for!  Willow first was reminded who her best champion and handler Keith was.  She saw him sniffed him and then the tail started to go and you could see her recognize this wonderful volunteer that championed Willow each and every week for two years.  Then the big surprise… Marty felt Willow would do well in the field with the other dogs, as owners often know their dog best, and we trusted Marty.  It was truly a site most of us never thought we would see. Willow chased the ball and ran with the dogs as we never could have imagined.With volunteer Keith, and foster Dad Mark’s early guidance, along with Marty’s continual daily guidance, Willow is now a dog friendly dog, even living with two Pomeranians!  It brought tears to many of us watching this unfold before our eyes.Having a dedicated foster home, volunteers, and ultimately an adopter, together, has transformed Willow into an amazing dog, and we can only humbly thank each of Willow’s dedicated angels for her transformation.We are always in need of foster families.  If you are interested in fostering one of our dogs, please apply here.  Be sure to check the foster section letting us know you are interested in fostering.


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