Goodbye to Forrest

forestFriends, adopters, and volunteers - Teri and John - had to say goodbye to one of their family last night. Teri and John are loving pet-parents and advocates for not only their dogs, but the many special souls that come through the California GSP Rescue’s doors. But even more than that, they are an inspiration to all of us. When faced with a problem, they don’t complain, they don’t wait for someone else to take care of it, and they don’t take the easiest road – they just DO something! And, when faced with Forrest losing the use of his legs, in true Teri and John fashion, they researched and found a way for him to get around – a wheelchair for dogs.  They made sure Forrest could enjoy time with his pack and have a good quality of life .  But they didn’t stop there. They made a Facebook page called “Run, Forrest, Run” which inspired other pet parents to think outside of the box and find mobility solutions for their own pets!We all enjoyed seeing photos and videos of Forrest out with his pack: Jenny, Hope and Dude. He went to the beach, walked the neighborhood, charmed the shopkeepers in the area, and even participated in last year's Rescue fundraiser, Race for the Rescue - Forrest was one of our biggest fundraisers! Forrest and his "Team Forrest" gear also supported the California GSP Rescue through sales on his facebook page. Forrest, and Teri and John, just kept doing! Although the road was not always easy for them, they continued to tweak the wheelchair, adjust medications, and adjust their own life-style to accommodate Forrest's needs and give him the best quality of life possible.  Watch a Tribute To Forrest Here.As so many others have, we have been inspired by Forrest, John, and Teri. We grieve for their loss, but are thankful for the difference they all make.A 2016 memorial calendar has been created with beautiful photos of Forrest by his family. All proceeds from the calendar go the the California GSP Rescue. Purchase one here.[donate_button button_type="default" title="In Memory of Forrest" description="Donation made in memory of Forrest" style="wdf-fresh"]


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