Rusty is Safe!

Rusty Safe California GSP Rescue AdoptCalifornia GSP Rescue was notified about Rusty, an older German Shorthaired Pointer Mix a short time after he was brought to the shelter as a stray. We monitored him during his holding period to see if anyone would claim him and when he was made available to see if there was any interest. Like most older dogs at shelters, no one expressed an interesting in adopting him. When we received the call that his review date was quickly approaching and it was unlikely the shelter would hold him any longer, California GSP Rescue contacted the shelter and let them know a volunteer would be sent to get Rusty. A few days earlier, we had received an email and evaluation from another rescue letting us know Rusty was an easy going older boy who really wanted nothing more to lay his head down and be petted. Volunteer David was contacted and asked if he could help. Fortunately, David was free the next morning and was available to pick up and transport Rusty. The next day, Rusty was picked up and transported to California GSP Rescue.Rusty was brought to a local shelter as a stray. This has since raised a few eye brows. Merriam-Webster defines stray as "an animal (such as a cat or dog) that is lost or has no home". Most of the dogs we rescue from shelters come in as strays. It's not uncommon for German Shorthaired Pointers that are left without attention or exercise to become bored and "escape". What several individuals have found interesting is Rusty hasn't shown in any interesting in straying. So how would he end up as a stray? For anyone turning in an animal to the shelter, there is a relinquishment fee that the owner is required to pay. This fee isn't charged if the animal is a stray. Everyone that has met Rusty has questioned him being a stray. California GSP Rescue will be sharing a video soon that shows why many volunteers feel he wasn't a stray.Since Rusty has been in our care, he has been to see Dr Kang who ran a few test. After getting the test back that looked normal for a dog Rusty's age, Dr Kang diagnosed Rusty as being malnourished. We have since been putting weight on Rusty and have learned he was probably an outside only dog as he gets nervous and paces when inside. It was only after a few days of laying on the ground outside, he would use the bed and dog house provided.While everyone that has met Rusty thinks he is an easy going sweet boy, his age will make him more challenging to place. We are asking for your assistance in sharing this and other posts about Rusty so that we might find him a forever home in his remaining years filled with the love and care he deserves and has lacked most of his life. We also ask that you consider making a small donation below to sponsor Rusty and help us care for him while he is with us. California GSP Rescue is committed to seeing he receives any medical attention as well as seeing he gets the food and care he needs. Our main focus right now is to put some meat on his bones. A small donation of just $20 to Sponsor Rusty can go a long way.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Rusty" description="By making a small donation, you can help California GSP Rescue see that Rusty receives all the care and attention he needs. " style="wdf-fresh"]


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