Meet Lucy!

Lucy demodex demodectic mange Rescue GSP Pointer Dog Lucy is a petite female German Shorthaired Pointer who is just a little over a year old.  As you would expect with a young Shorthair, Lucy is a bundle of energy and fun! She is on the petite side and will need plenty of exercise.  Having another dog around will be a bonus for Lucy as she seems to really enjoy playing with the other dogs at the Rescue - often giving them a nudge or pat on the back to tell them, "hey, let's go!". Once she is exercised and is able to get out some of the "wiggles", Lucy is very eager to please and ready to learn. We believe she will need to be housebroken, or at least get a reminder of that, and needs some work on basic obedience.Lucy is also recovering from a skin condition called demodectic mange. She came into the shelter as a stray with a severe skin condition. Once we got her to the Rescue, our vet was able to determine the skin condition was due to demodectic mange - a non-contagious form of mange. He told us that the mites which cause this, live on the skin of most dogs and are thought to be passed on from mom to puppy. It is a common skin condition seen in puppies before their immune system is strong enough to keep an overabundance of the mites from developing. In Lucy's case, she may have not been treated properly, or not at all for the skin condition, or treatment was stopped too soon, which allowed it to spread. However, she was lucky enough to find California GSP Rescue where she has been treated properly with medication and medicated baths. Now that she is mostly recovered, we were able to get her spayed and ready for adoption!Lucy's adopter will need to continue her medication until the few remaining spots on her face and neck are gone. Extra-good nutrition and a happy environment where she is not stressed will also contribute to a speedy recovery. She looks and feels 95% better than the day she got sprung from the shelter and is ready and waiting for her forever home!If you would like to learn more about adopting Lucy, please apply here. 


Goodbye to Forrest


Jewel ~ In Memoriam