
Have you heard the description "velcro-dog" when reading about German Shorthaired Pointers?  It is a characteristic common in this breed of dogs and Earl is no exception.  The term refers to a dog who prefers to be near his people...often leaning into his person.  It is also one of the complimentary terms you can use when describing sweet Earl.Earl is a gentleman of a dog who focuses on the person working with him.  He walks nicely next to you, checking in on you throughout the walk.  When you return and stand still he will lean in to you for pets and affection.Earl is the picture perfect "Velcro dog".Learn more about Earl.If you are looking for a wonderful companion, and would like to Foster or adopt Earl, please complete an application.  You can't go wrong here, as Earl would be an incredible addition to your family.


Rocko is safe!


Carter is adopted