Rocko is safe!

A few weeks back, Rocko was found by Good Samaritan Jarod running along a busy road was and taken to Jarod's work, Big O Tire Store , before being picked up by the local shelter. During his brief stay at Big O, Fellow Rescuer Rachel, happened to stop in and meet Rocko. She immediately made contact with California GSP Rescue to let us know about Rocko and where he was headed. California GSP Rescue notified NorCal GSP Rescue in case they were contacted by someone that had lost their GSP. NorCal Volunteer Robin watched and waited to see if Rocko's owner would claim him. When no one did and knowing the holidays are not a good time for GSPs to spend in shelters, she put the wheels in motion to get Rocko to safety. Without any local foster homes available, Robin contacted NorCal Volunteer Cheryl to coordinate a transport for Rocko. Cheryl made arrangements with Volunteers Georgina and Lindsay to transport Rocko to California GSP Rescue in Southern California on Thanksgiving Day. We'd like to express our Thanks to all those individuals that stepped up to help Rocko and make a difference in one dog's life.


Belle, Beauty is the Radiance of Being

