Carter is adopted

When Karen and her family decided to adopt a dog from us, they had never owned a GSP, but were experienced dog owners of several dogs that were mixes who all passed away from old age.We had a bit of a challenge because they had young children, a cat and a tortoise. Well, we had the perfect match for them, and he happened to be a GSP mix named Carter who got along great with cats and children. In fact, when the family arrived at the rescue to meet Carter, he ran up and gave the children a huge kiss! We think that perhaps the deal was sealed at that very moment because they took him home.We recently received an update, and because the family had experienced some behavioral issues with their mixes in the past, they were anticipating some with Carter, but he has continued to surprise them. Karen says " What is wrong with him? He is such a great dog!" Well Karen, we think that you just got yourself a great dog.Congratulations to the whole family! Thank you for choosing to adopt a GSP! We are so happy for Carter, and we know he is going to have a great life with you!Carter (now known as Bosco) pictured with his new family: Cara, Karen, Andrew and Drew 




We are thankful for... adopters