Fozzy Adopts Emma!

Emma Fozzy ingrid Geoff dsc_2935 w64Well, Emma has found her forever home alongside another great rescued GSP named Fozzy.  Geoff and Ingrid adopted Fozzy a few months ago and have been bringing him to the Rescue for some play time on Saturdays. Geoff was always willing to throw the ball for Emma while there - and you could tell Emma liked him by the muddy paw prints on his clothes!When the fires were burning a little too close to the rescue recently, Geoff and Ingrid offered to take Emma to their home for a couple of days. Fozzy enjoyed Emma's company, and Geoff and Ingrid got to see the more relaxed, and less crazy, side of Emma. They worked through a squabble over the ball (it is both dogs' favorite thing) and managed the dogs nicely - all in all, an enjoyable "vacation" from the rescue for Emma and Fozzy had fun too! This eventually led to them fostering Emma.We were thrilled to finally see Emma go to a home! The poor thing had been dropped at a local shelter by her owner because she had Addison's disease and required daily medication, she was put behind "double gates", meaning she would never be available for public adoption, and could only be picked up by a rescue. Lucky for Emma, CA GSP Rescue heard about her and didn't hesitate to take her, pay for her medication, and keep her safe until an adopter could be found. Lucky for Emma, Geoff and Ingrid were willing to monitor her condition and see that she got her daily pill and monthly shot. And, lucky for Fozzy, he got a playmate that keeps up with him (and mostly exceeds his energy), even though Emma is twice his age!With some management on their humans' part, Fozzy and Emma became inseparable friends - Geoff and Ingrid call them "the twins" - and they decided to adopt Emma! They have since researched her condition to make sure she has the proper dose of medication, and managed some minor health issues. They have been committed to continuing Fozzy's rehabilitation from some previously-learned bad behaviors, and they are now committed to seeing that Emma has the best care to keep her healthy and active the rest of her life.We think that Emma is living out her second puppy-hood in their care…she is hiking and camping and socializing with Fozzy and Ingrid and Geoff’s friends and simply being loved and cared for.  We are thankful for them giving this gift to both Fozzy and Emma.


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