Chase Takes Up Skateboarding!

Chase SkateboardingChase is enjoying some time at the beach while waiting for his forever home!  His new foster Mom has been taking him to the beach as her skateboarding sidekick and they have been getting quite a bit of attention!Chase's foster Mom tell us that he has been nothing but friendly with everyone he meets, people and dogs alike, and he enjoys when they are out on the boardwalk when people come up and pet him.We are learning that not only does Chase like to run alongside a skateboard, he is house trained, does well in a crate, knows "drop it", "sit" obeys well, and even at 10 years old, is highly trainable.We are so grateful to Rayana for opening up her heart and her home to foster Chase.  When a dog comes from a shelter with very little information, getting them into a foster home is extremely important.  This enables us to learn more about their personality traits, provide them with additional training in areas that may need improvement, and get accustomed to life in a loving home rather than waiting for a home in a kennel.  The end result leads to a match in the best environment for them with a forever family.Chase is available for adoption! Learn more about Chase here.  


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