Roxy is Adopted!

Roxy_Jenn_DSC_0174w64Roxy was left at a kill shelter after years of being over-bred. She came into the shelter with a gun shot wound to her leg and was not picked up by her owners because she was "too old". Luckily Norcal GSP Rescue worked with us to bring Roxy into our rescue and to get her to the home and life she was always meant to live.Well we didn't have to search too far for a foster for Roxy, as one of our volunteers, Jenn, showed up at the Rescue one Saturday and agreed to bring Roxy home to help heal her wounds and prepare her for her forever home.  While Jenn was fostering Roxy, Roxy underwent a triple mastectomy as well as minor surgery to treat her distichiasis, a condition in which small eyelashes abnormally grow on the inner surface or very edge of the eyelids. She was also asked to be the Honorary Canine Survivor for the 2014 Susan G. Komen Dog Walk!  Jenn keeps an eye on her to watch for any lumps that may appear, and so far so good!Well as it sometimes happens, Roxy never left her foster home. Jenn became smitten with her and so she became a permanent member of the family.We thought we would let Jenn tell you how Roxy is doing..."Roxy, is now living a life of leisure.  Her breeding days are over! She sleeps on the couch and the bed and wherever else she likes and enjoys a life of happy-dog activity with two walks/runs per day, at least one off-leash, chases birds at Fiesta Island, rabbits and squirrels in Balboa Park (on extendible leash held by my not-so-extendible arm - oww), goes to the wineries in Ramona on the weekends where everybody in the tasting rooms loves her and comments what a cool dog she is. In October, Roxy will be going with us on our road trip, where we plan to look for wide-open spaces for her to roam and some beautiful trails to hike. She's getting along much better now with other dogs (lets them approach and sniff, even plays with some of them!). She's lost about 20 lbs from when she was at the shelter. She looks fab. Everybody comments on how beautiful she is. She's almost svelte. And some even ask if she's a young dog. Despite her grey muzzle, she runs around at the beach like she was a four year old. The gal can still shift into fifth gear when there's good cause, like crows, who love to taunt her.So she is not only okay, but more than okay. And I wouldn't give her up for nothin'."We are so grateful for our "Foster Failures", and we thank you Jenn for giving Roxy this wonderful life!Be sure to check out our Facebook Page throughout the day for more photos of Roxy enjoying her new life!


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