Blossom is Safe!

BlossomWhen stray GSPs like Blossom show up at the shelter and go unclaimed, you might see a volunteer at California GSP Rescue scratching their head and talking to themselves. Who loses young beautiful purebred GSPs and doesn't go looking for them? Who wouldn't go check their local shelter (which happens to be a kill shelter) to see if their GSP was picked up?Blossom showed up last week at a local shelter, and when her hold was up, we didn't hesitate to send a volunteer knowing stray dogs at kill shelters can be put down at anytime once their hold is up. When the volunteer arrived at the shelter and went to the kennel, a frightened and scared Blossom retreated to the inside of the kennel. Stressed from the chorus of barking dogs and fearful of the stranger on the other side of the bars, she remained on the inside of the run until the volunteer went to the office and made arrangements to pick her up. Once outside the kennel, she was a different dog. A completely different dog. Tail wagging wanting the treats the volunteer had to offer.A big thanks to the all the volunteers that helped rescue Blossom - even those volunteers that waited to see if they were needed to help transport.What goes into a name. Most of the time, one of the transporters has the honor of naming the dog that help the rescue. The volunteers that helped transport Blossom, thought it would be appropriate for Jan, the founder of  the California GSP Rescue, to name her since it was Jan's birthday. Jan, who has always carefully selected the names she chooses, thought Blossom was an appropriate name for a shy dog in that she, given some love and attention, would Blossom into a different dog as so many of the rescue dogs do. A big thanks and happy belated birthday to Jan!


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