Harlem is Adopted

Sometimes a dog stays with uHarlem s longer than most - Harlem was such a dog. The best way to describe Harlem is that he is a personality and needed a family that understood him and could give him the structure he needed. Unfortunately there aren't tons of applications for 8 year old dogs, so we took care of Harlem, played lots of ball with him and waited for that perfect family to come along.Then Brandon and Richard applied to adopt, and loved Harlem as much as we did. It was clear that, along with their dog Lilly, that they were exactly what Harlem needed too. When they sent us an update and said, "He is a handful, but we sure love him", we knew Brandon and Richard 'got' Harlem and that he was exactly where he should be!Since adopting, they've spent time letting Harlem play and get to know his new home, worked on getting him in the pool (using his ball, of course), and have been teaching the two dogs to share and live well together. Harlem is enjoying lounging on the sofa, traveling with his family, and is soaking up all of the attention and affection they have for him.We can't thank you enough, Richard and Brandon, for looking past his age and taking this big, beautiful personality into your home!  


The 6th Annual Big Dogs Rock Adoption Event!


Blossom is Safe!