Four Dogs - Four Vet Bills - Please help

4 dogs 4 vet billsFor those of you that follow California GSP Rescue, you know that we aren't an organization that asks for much in terms of donations. As an all volunteer organization, nearly all of our fundraisers & donations go entirely to making sure the dogs are kept healthy while in our care. The adoption fees and voluntary donations help cover the smaller vet bills we incur for medication, x-rays, and any tests a dog might need. However, every so often there is a dog that needs more. Recently we had four dogs that needed additional medical attention. One has since been adopted, two are still in our care, and one, regrettably, was diagnosed with a chronic respiratory problem shortly after being rescued from a shelter and has since passed away.Harpo was rescued from a kill shelter in Los Angeles and appeared to have contracted kennel cough which isn't unusual for dogs coming from a high stress environment like the shelter. Concerned that Harpo wasn't getting any better, he was taken to see Dr Kang who suspected Harpo had something much worse than kennel cough, a chronic respiratory infection. Harpo remained in the care of Dr Kang but got progressively worse.Hunter was rescued from a shelter in the Central Valley after being held as evidence in an animal abuse case. He had been kept in a small filthy chicken coop and had several growths that later were diagnosed as untreated yeast infection. In addition, he also had a large growth. Several of these growths were removed and he was prescribed medication to help control the infection. Hunter has since been adopted.Rommel was rescued from a local kill shelter and had several growths on his body. After having the growths removed, it was discovered that they were an aggressive Mast Cell Tumor (MCT). Rommel's prognosis isn't good but he remains active and in good spirits. If we are unable to find him an adopter or a long term foster, we'll continue to see Rommel continues to get the exercise and attention he needs.Roxy was rescued from a kill shelter up north. She had come in as a stray with another dog. The other dog was later claimed but the family left Roxy behind. We suspect she was bred several times given the condition of her teats. When she was spayed, Dr Kang removed a few growths giving her, as he would say, a "tune up". However, a short time later, a few of the other growths needed to be removed. She is doing excellent and is looking great, thanks to her Foster Mom who sees she is getting plenty of exercise.These four dogs have a total of over thirty four hundred dollars in vet bills. We have received some donations for a few of these dogs in the form of sponsorships from the website, but still need to raise $3000 to cover the remaining balance. If you can help, please do. Any amount you can afford to donate is greatly appreciated. Simply click the Paypal button below to make a donation.[olimometer id=1]

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Saying goodbye to Roxy


Captain Dusty is Adopted!