Saying goodbye to Roxy

Roxy_Andrew_Kate_DSC_0956Roxy was adopted a few years ago and was a regular visitor on Saturdays to the Rescue's Training Field where she would bring her adopters, Kate and Andrew. While she would run around the field, Kate and Andrew would always lend a hand exercising and training the GSPs up for adoption. Most of the adopted dogs enjoy returning to play in training field in Bonsall and sometimes they can persuade their adopters to volunteer and help as Roxy was able to persuade Andrew and Kate. However, Andrew and Kate didn't need much convincing and quickly understood the need for volunteers at the rescue as there was so much that needs to be done.A short time ago we were sad to learn that Andrew, Kate, and Roxy would be moving back to Michigan. We appreciate everything they have done since adopting Roxy to help the dogs at California GSP Rescue.We'll miss seeing Andrew, Kate, and Roxy but know they'll be helping dogs, hopefully GSPs, where they are going.


Vinnie is Adopted!


Four Dogs - Four Vet Bills - Please help