Ebony is ready for her Forever Home!

ebony_beachEbony has learned so much in her foster home! Thanks to her foster parents, Sharon and Michael, we have learned more about her too. This 8 year old GSP mix is filled with curiosity, energy, and love and is looking to be the only dog in her new forever home. And, just as important as Ebony finding her forever home, is that Sharon and Michael can give a home to another dog in need, once Ebony has a home.  Check out this great report from Ebony's foster mom to see if she might be right for you!"Ebony is probably the smartest dog we have ever been trained by!  It’s amazing how quickly she picks up a new phrase we might start using with her, i.e., when I ask her where her nose is, and where my nose is, she usually puts her face up ready to “rub noses”!  She provides several laughs a day – bringing into the house quite a variety of items – outdoor dustpan, her grooming brush, her outdoor towel for cleaning paws, my purse ends up in the TV room upside down and she usually gets my eyeglasses out and walks around with them in her mouth.  What’s not so funny is that she knows the kitchen is  “off limits” but forgets that rule if she can tell a piece of food has been left on the counter!Eb sleeps on the couch very quietly all night and is always waiting for her morning routine with me, 7 to 8 am. She is unhappy if I have to deviate…first 10 minutes down on our lower property “going potty” and just walking around stretching our legs (or in her case, digging out a new gopher tunnel).  Next 10 minutes up on the side patio or grass, playing catch with the tennis ball.  Then the harness comes out and she’s got her head ready to go through before I can even get it ready.  Out the gate, down the driveway and out on the neighborhood road (up and down twice, and she leads the way the 2nd  time so I don’t forget).  A 5-minute walk through the orchard and then back to “her” side patio for breakfast and a good brushing.  But wait…that’s not all…back into the house, up on the couch, collar off, for at least 10 minutes of massaging, scratching ears, and cuddling!  During this hour, we also practice Stop, Sit, Heal and Easy.  Then a nap (her, not me) for an hour until it’s time for “eggs & toast” with Michael (her 2nd, just-a-bite breakfast).Ebony is a strong girl and can be very single-minded on the leash if tempted by a squirrel or rabbit.  She is, however, definitely paying more attention to my commands rather than trying to see if I’m strong enough to hold her back (I am, but there have been times when she hasn’t given up easily).  She has a lot of energy and I know she’d love to run if only we were able to keep up with her!  She is the first dog we’ve had (out of 8) that loves the water – now that it’s so hot, we let her paddle around in the pool once or twice a day…she’s in and out in 2 minutes – simply wants to cool off.She is very affectionate and just wants to be with her family.  I no longer worry when new people come around – she doesn’t pay much attention to them unless she discovers they’ll pet or scratch her.  We spent a weekend at a hotel with her and she did remarkably well, even going up and down in the elevator.  There were a couple of growls – one for a cat she spied and one for a dog coming towards her.  But “knock it off” quieted her right away.Ebony is her happiest being with one or both of us…or at least knowing we’re around in case she decides to come in for a hug and a kiss.  She doesn’t like being left alone, but she tolerates it.  We put her in the enclosed dog run/dog house if we’re going somewhere for a couple hours and can’t take her, and I’ve checked with the neighbors on our return and always gotten good news – maybe a bark or two at the beginning, but otherwise very quiet.This beautiful girl has so many positive qualities, I could go on and on.  Did I mention she is so good at the vet’s office and so easy to give a pill or eye drops (she gets lots of dust in her eyes from our property, so I use natural tear drops once a day), and she smells sooo good after her shower and cream rinse!  We don’t take her to the groomers since she’s not crazy about other dogs.We are truly enjoying our first “foster dog” – she will do so well  in the right home"! 


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