Zulu is Adopted!

WheZulun Dwylene contacted us about adopting another GSP, she wasn't quite sure her current dog Jake would do well with an addition.  We told her, if she was patient and worked with us, we thought we could find the right fit. We appreciate Dwylene and Gary's faith in us, because, with time and patience, we found just the right dog for them.After the first few weeks in their home, Dwylene sent us this great update on Zulu: "Zulu got a new name because of a name conflict with a good friend so we named her Meadow. She has already made the name her own. She is a very fast learner. We adopted her to provide companionship for our other adopted GSP Jake and they have bonded quickly. Jake watches out for her and teaches her about the best sniffing spots and how to ignore peacocks (still working on that peacock thing). They bump each other when they walk side by side. Meadow has taken very well to hanging out at the office, mostly looking out the window at the birds, sea lions and especially the feral cats. We discovered she is definitely not cat-friendly. We have a long list of dogs that have been that way so we are prepared for protecting out kitty friends. Meadow is an indoor dog now and has great manners. Her eyes have healed completely and the fur is growing back over the scars. We have been working with her off leash in the mountains behind the house, she has great recall and always stays close. She loves the freedom to run fast and races with Jake. We love watching them happily running and smiling ear to ear. Now that we have the ground rules set, we are off for a good long camping trip! Putting a cover on the dog run solved the fence jumping, and she doesn't even put her paws on the fence anymore. She is the perfect addition to our home!"We never tire of these kinds of updates!  So happy for Zulu.  Thank you Dwylene and Gary and Jake for welcoming this little bundle of joy into your family. 


Ebony is ready for her Forever Home!


Whitney is Safe!