Olive is Safe!

Olive A603428We've mentioned in a few recent posts that the California GSP Rescue doesn't shy away from GSPs at the shelter needing medical attention like Roger Dog, or because of age like recently rescued adult GSP, Olive.Olive showed up as a stray at a Southern California shelter that we monitor on a regular basis, with the help of volunteers. Volunteer Teri visited her at the shelter during her holding period and claimed she was a cutie. We monitored and kept daily tabs on her thinking she would certainly be claimed, but also making tentative plans to pull and transport her if she wasn't. We were a little surprised last week when she wasn't claimed and was made available.Volunteer Teri had already made arrangements with her work schedule to pull Olive from the shelter if she became available. Not long after Olive was made available Teri was there at the shelter to pull and assist in the transport. This gave Teri just enough time to become smitten with this petite and sweet GSP she named Olive.A big thanks to Volunteer Teri who took time off from her job to help Olive; Teri's boss who graciously accommodated her schedule; the shelter staff who help by offering as much information as they could; and all the other volunteers that assist California GSP Rescue in so many ways. Thank you!Check our Facebook page throughout today for more freedom photos of Olive!


Hoss is Adopted!


Ebony is ready for her Forever Home!