CC Is Adopted!

CC Cindy and Ted Adoption PhotoCynthia and Ted applied to adopt after their beloved 17 year old GSP, Winnie passed away. Winnie was the light of their lives, and she spent 15 incredible years with Cindy and Ted, and life without a GSP in their home seemed very empty.CC found herself at 7 years old at a shelter after being picked up as a stray, blind in one eye and confused. When we were notified about CC, we wasted no time getting her to safety.Cindy and Ted saw CC on our website, and fell in love with her. She reminded them so much of their beloved Winnie, and applied immediately. She was the only girl they wanted to meet!  Before we could continue with the process, we needed to be sure that CC would do well with their 10 year old cat, Sir Winston, their 7 year old Maltese, Sebastian, and their 10 year old Rat Terrier, Simon.  We tested CC with small dogs and cat tested her, and fortunately she did extremely well! We invited Cindy and Ted and their two dogs to come out and meet CC for the final test, and everyone got along splendidly, and their was no doubt in their minds that CC was going to join their family!Fast forward to today, and we have received a few updates on CC we would like to share with you! Our favorite thing!"CC is right at home, enjoying the life of luxury now. All is going extremely well, introducing her into the family. She loves her new bed, and likes to sleep near our bed, and enjoys the sunshine coming in the window. She is really an amazing dog, and has settled in very nicely in our home. She's such a happy, grateful and awesome dog. We just love her so much"!Thank you Cindy and Ted for opening up your home and your hearts to an adult GSP!


Meet Nana!


Meet Coconut!