Cami is Adopted!

Cami-290x290Don has extensive experience training, showing, and handling dogs.  He was drawn to Cami immediately from her website post.  Luckily we had a wonderful foster family for Cami that was able to share with Don the areas that Cami still needed work on.Cami had some challenges, and Don took Cami home and immediately began working with her.  At times Don would contact us to get information on how to handle specific issues he needed help with.We just received an update from Don that we wanted to share with you.

"Cami is doing great!  She has become a wonderful family pet.  She knows our daily routine, sleeps on her bed in our room and waits till we get up in the morning.  Cami spends half of her day in the yard hunting for anything that moves and the other half of the day at my side in my office.  She is a great watch dog and still does not like new people coming into the house (which is OK with us).  She loves going for rides in the car, her several walks a day and enjoys the dog park where she plays ball and runs with other dogs.   Cami and our other shorthair (Vinnie) are best friends, they never fight and love to play and run together in the house.
Cami has definitely been a challenge but it's all worth it when she curls-up in my lap and gives me kisses.  She has a great, fun, loving personality which seems to get better everyday.  Now I just need to stop her from stealing apples in the kitchen". 
We are very thankful for adopters like Don, who believed in Cami as we did, and has proven that with some hard work, training, determination, patience and love, Cami overcame her challenges, and he brought out the dog in Cami that she was meant to be.

Ava is Safe!


Buck is Still Doing Well!