Buck is Still Doing Well!

Buck_SpoonSarah and Rush have had Buck in their home for almost six months now.  He was one of Missy's puppies that were adopted out late last fall.  Sarah and Rush had an active Australian shepherd so are accustomed to an active dog.With Buck as an addition, they are learning the fun and interesting differences of how a GSP can be different than an Aussie Shepherd and are appreciating every minute. Buck is now the same size as their dog Olive and is learning from her guidance.   Olive doesn't always finish her breakfast right away and Buck lays on his side hoping that someone will let him just have a few bites but waits patiently none-the-less.   Buck sleeps on his bed but with his head hanging off the edge...no matter how large the bed.  Buck loves to spoon with Olive, and they are the best of companions.We enjoy seeing how our dogs go on to become part of a family and succeed with the kind of care that Sarah and Rush (and Olive) are providing to Buck.


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