Ava is Safe!

Ava Safe PostLast week the California GSP Rescue was notified that there was a senior GSP listed on Craigslist.  Her owners living arrangements were changing, and they could not take Ava with them.  When we contacted them, they agreed to let us take her, and were very grateful that we came forward to help.When we told them the dangers of placing an ad for a dog on Craigslist, they were shocked and saddened to know that Ava could have been a victim had we not been made aware of her.Last Saturday, without hesitation, volunteer Teri met with Ava's owners, and picked up Ava.  From there, she traveled a little further to meet with volunteer Greg who got her to safety, and one step closer to her forever home.We hope Ava's story will bring awareness of the dangers of putting a dog on Craigslist, as we have learned that there are people out there that do not know they have other options, such as rescue.  We need to educate the public of the consequences a dog could face in the hands of the wrong people.We would like to extend our thanks to the people that notified us of Ava's Craig's list posting through our contact form of our website and through Facebook. It always helps to have extra eyes and ears looking out for GSP's in need, so we can offer assistance.Please watch our website and Facebook for more about this incredibly sweet easy going lovely lady.


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