Buddy Is Adopted

Buddy with Jan and Jim

Buddy with Jan and Jim

Buddy, at thirteen years old, showed up at a shelter as a stray. We wondered how that could happen. While there are plenty of active GSP’s that are thirteen or older, at some point most lose interest in escaping. As it turned out, it wasn't Buddy's first time at the shelter. He had been picked up as a stray before. A few times before.

Having shown up to the shelter before, Buddy had a microchip. The shelter was able to easily identify and contact Buddy's owner by checking the microchip information. While some might scrutinize surrendering their senior dog to the shelter, others might argue that it was in the best interest of Buddy that the owner relinquish him to the shelter. If the owner couldn't keep Buddy contained, and he was regularly running loose, the chances of something happening to him would go up substantially. Being hit by a car, attacked by another loose dog, or being bitten by a snake are some of the dangers Buddy could have faced. However, most would agree that a responsible dog owner would fix the problem and secure their property. This obviously wasn't an option for Buddy's owner, as he surrendered him to the shelter. With being a senior dog, he had little interest, so the California GSP Rescue pulled him to safety. We knew there would be someone out there who needed Buddy as much as he needed them.

Jim and Jan applied to adopt after they lost their beloved GSP, Gentry, who was almost 13 years old. Jim stated in their application that they wanted to be able to provide a "forever" home for an older dog who might be overlooked for adoption. “Giving a home and love to an older dog who can live out his/her life knowing safety and love. I believe this what my Gentry would want me to do and share the love had with another dog”.

As we celebrate one year that Buddy has been in his forever home, we wanted to share a wonderful update we received about Buddy!

“A year ago today Jan and I picked up Buddy and he joined our family. I wanted to send an email to say THANK YOU! Buddy has been a wonderful addition to our family and a year later, Jan and I think we keep making progress towards bringing out the "little dog Buddy could have been"; we see it more and more each day. He loves his walks with Jan each day and having morning coffee with me (or maybe that's the dog treats I give him). As we told you when you were kind enough to let us adopt him, he was going to his forever home.

After a year, I certainly feel that I didn't rescue Buddy, rather Buddy rescued me. He helped fill a huge void after I lost Gentry (our prior GSP) and his presence is a blessing every day.

Buddy appears to be in good health and hopefully he will keep going strong (he is 14-1/2 now).

Jan and I both follow CA GSP and the all the dogs you guys help, some how thank you doesn't seem enough for all involved. Please express our sincere gratitude to everyone involved for everything they do.

Thanks once again for bringing Buddy in to our lives”.


Jim and Jan

Your update describing how Buddy has enriched your lives is beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to put your feelings and thoughts into words. Your words make the sacrifices made to rescuing dogs worthwhile. We completely understand what you are saying, and are forever grateful to you and Jan for making room for Buddy in your home and hearts. We also understand that void you mention, and we are very happy he has helped fill the void Gentry left in your lives. However, you have given him a life he might not have otherwise have had. For that we are forever grateful.


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