Brownie Is Adopted!

Brownie GSP Rescue adoptedBrownie came to us from a shelter after his owner who had him since she was 14 surrendered him because she was having a baby.We brought Brownie into our rescue family and got to know him. We found out he is just a gentle soul with all people young and old, and all he wanted was a second chance to be loved and cherished in a place he could call his forever home.  Of course, given that he was a senior, he was with us for quite some time. We took him to adoption events, and people fell in love with him, but still no applications came in for Brownie.  Senior dogs are difficult to place, and even those beautiful brown eyes weren't capturing the attention of those wanting a much younger dog.  But then along came Gale and Karen.Gale and Karen had recently lost their beloved GSP Chloe whom they had all of her life. Their home seemed very empty without her, and they decided it was time to add a member to their family. They reached out to us and applied to adopt a senior dog. Well, we were beyond thrilled, and introduced them to Brownie. They instantly fell in love with him before even meeting him. Once they did, there was no doubt that Brownie was going home with them.Fast forward to today... We have received some wonderful updates about Brownie in his new home and we would like to share them with you."Brownie is home! He is a sweet, loving, awesome puppy, well okay not exactly a puppy but he's our puppy! My daughter and the grand kids came by and had a big day today playing with the grand kids and my daughters two dogs. He is a complete hit with the whole family!Brownie is amazing and I'm astonished how quick he is to adapt and be comfortable with us. We are so happy and by the looks of things Brownie is too! We’ve had fun walks, great games of fetch, and lots of hugs for him. He seems to love people and the more the better, we had a few over on Sunday and he was visibly excited and went to each and everyone to introduce himself, he worked the crowd!Life is good again at our house and Brownie is the reason it is. We love his gentle kisses and knows he feels our love.Thank you for all your patience and help putting this little family together"!We thank you, Gale and Karen for opening up your home and your heart to a senior dog, and paying it forward for Chloe.


Rest in Peace Sir Duke


Meet Buddy!