Rest in Peace Sir Duke

Sir Duke MemoriamIt is with heavy hearts we bring you the news that on Monday, we sadly had to say goodbye to Sir Duke. We were only able to enjoy Sir Duke's company for a short time, but our many wonderful volunteers made sure he was loved and well taken care of for that time.We know he was cherished in his last months, but we also believe he lived his whole life as a well-loved member of someone's family. Sir Duke must have been loved; he was too gentle, too sweet, and just too perfect to be a neglected dog. He had a beautiful soft coat and an almost aristocratic look to him. He was so gentle, he almost floated as he walked. And his absolute favorite snack was animal crackers - someone in his past must have introduced him to these; no matter what, he always eagerly took them from your hand and definitely lit up when he realized what treat you were offering!So, when foster mom Vikki realized he was in pain, she made sure he saw the vet, in hopes that something could be done. Volunteer Cathy met her there and they were told his heart was failing. He wasn't getting enough oxygen as he breathed, and would go into a panic as he got short of breath. Even though it was obvious he was suffering, the decision these two volunteers had to make wasn't easy and we admire their courage and compassion in doing so.The best we can do in these situations is to consider what we'd do for our own pets. Of course we'd spend the money if there was a surgery or medication option, but when there are no options at any price, we must choose to do what is humane, and the only thing left that will cure his suffering.As much as we miss sweet and gentle Sir Duke, he had a very long life of 15+ years. He was doted on and cooked for and pampered in his last days and probably most of his days. Most of all he knew he was loved.Read more about Sir Duke here.


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