Bravo Is Adopted

Bravo and Kyle

Bravo and Kyle

Kyle applied to adopt a young dog after his beloved GSP, Toby passed away suddenly from complications of cancer. Kyle adopted Toby when he was 2 years old in 2010. Kyle told us that Toby had come from a bad situation. Was fearful, young and came with some bad habits. “We worked really hard together and he became the best dog I've ever owned. I probably became a better owner too”. Kyle was looking for a younger dog. He told us he didn’t want to adopt a dog to replace Toby, but was happy to work with a dog that needs a fresh start in a loving home.

Kyle was a runner, very active, and with his experience with the the breed and after raising a young GSP, we knew he could provide the activity, stimulation and training, which made him a top candidate for the age he desired.

We had just the dog for Kyle. A young male GSP named Bravo. A 9 month who was picked up as a stray and taken to a local shelter that was made rescue only as he needed medical attention. California GSP Rescue picked him up and got him the surgery he needed, and shortly after, he was made available for adoption.

Bravo was all puppy! Tons of energy, young and sweet. Kyle’s lifestyle was perfect for a dog like Bravo, so we set up an appointment for him to meet him.

Kyle came out with a friend and their dog, and everything went perfectly! Not only was Kyle smitten with Bravo, but his friends dog, Bowie and Bravo got along tremendously well. They are the best of friends.

“The ride home went pretty well. Bowie had some car anxiety, but Bravo helped her remain calm and both fell asleep. The first morning we went for a 5 mile walk, and he was wiped out. He did well in the crate, and seems comfortable in it. He knows the doggy door, but was hesitant to push it open, but he will learn. No accidents in the house. He likes the other dog that lives in the oven door a whole lot! Haha!

Working from home has worked out well for both Bravo and I. He is funny. When I am working on my laptop, he doesn’t bother me. But if it’s after 5, he comes and sets his head on my keyboard so I can’t work. I swear, he can tell time!

We have been camping at my cabin, and Bravo was in heaven on 1 1/2 acres of fenced playground. He loved laying in the grass, snoozing, finding sticks to play with and he loved barking at the horses. He is a counter surfer, but aren’t all GSP’s? He ran 4 miles with me, and even though I nearly got pulled into the bushes a couple of times, and a sudden stop for a poop break which nearly face planted me, overall he was really good for the first time out. We are working on that. He is so smart. Too smart sometimes, but I love him to death.

I recently bought a new car for better mountain adventures, and a kayak and a camper. He absolutely loves it! We recently went to the lake, and his first time swimming. He loves water! He is a natural! Bravo goes with me everywhere, and I just love him so very much”!

Thank you Kyle for reaching out to rescue to adopt another GSP to add some excitement, laughter and love into your home. We couldn’t have asked for a better home for Bravo, and are so happy for you both!


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