Bennie Is Adopted!

Bennie was recently adopted. His adopters have been so diligent acclimating him into a new home. They often will say “we are obsessed with him”. They did face some challenges initially with him coming into the home and wanting to guard the home and they’ve worked through many of those with Bennie. Below are some notes they were able to share with us on him: 

“We first saw Bennie on  your website, we weren't convinced we wanted a second dog but when we met him in person it was an obvious love at first sight connection between us all. Over time he has found a way to bond with each member of the family in separate ways.

Our home can be chaotic at times with 2 teenagers, friends and family gatherings, and regular house guests. At first Bennie was tentative in these new situations or around new people. CA GSP Rescue's tips in these situations were critical to understanding what Bennie needed to develop comfort and feel secure.  We took it slow, giving him the time he needed to acclimate to any new experience where he initially showed apprehension.   

Here are some examples:

    • Using the doggie door (Gemma, our 17 yr old GSP helped him with that)

    • Jogging on a bridge

    • Running along side a bike on an attachment

The whole family takes part in Bennie's training- everyone takes Bennie for walks and reinforces our Trainer's teachings. He gets a consistent message from each person, and is at a point where he's anticipating corrections before needed.  He's super-smart, young and very strong, and can't always resist his natural response to his surroundings- like when we encountered a deer on our running trail that pranced just ahead of us for much of our run, we set a new speed records that day!

He is stunning when he points, model-worthy. His playful, silly personality is most obvious when he does “zoomies” in the front yard or seen in his stubbornness while playing tug-o-war. He is happiest when attempting to chase a squirrel, on his back surrendering to a belly scratch, or cuddled with his human on the couch. 

He has simply stolen our hearts. There is no doubt, our beautiful Bennie, was meant to be with us. 

Rob, Danielle, Maritza, Dorian and Gemma”


In Loving Memory Of Jenny


Liza's Second Chance: The Journey to Save a Stray GSP