
Sam DSC_8402w8x6.jpg

Sam is a ten-year-old male German Shorthaired Pointer. His owner passed away, and when no one else in the family could take him, the family reached out to California GSP Rescue ( for assistance.

Sam is not a couch potato! If you are unfamiliar with the breed, you might be thinking Sam doesn't need more physical activity than an occasional walk. Well, you would be wrong. Sam is very active, and while he doesn't require the exercise of a one to three-year-old GSP, he will need an active family that can take him on hikes and long walks.

In his previous home, Sam had issues with another male, and we feel he would do best in a home as an only dog. He has done well when introduced to well behaved, and socialized dogs in the field, but is very tentative. When meeting dogs on leash, Sam is curious, and will pull to investigate. Not unusual, but he'll need someone that can manage him, and work with proper introductions.

Sam knows his name - it's the only name he has ever had - and will come when called, provided there are no squirrels or little furry animals in the area. We recommend working with him in small contained areas without distractions and lots of treats and pets.

Sam was not a house dog. House training Sam will be necessary as he spent his nights in a kennel. Not impossible at any age, and given he is crate trained, Sam has a head start.

Sam loves attention. Second, to hunting squirrels and critters, Sam prefers pets. After being exercised, Sam likes spending time with his human and getting attention. He can be vocal if you don't give him enough!

If you are interested in adopting Sam, please apply here on our website. If you aren't in a situation to bring Sam into your home, please consider sharing this post and helping find him a forever home.


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