
Boomer DSC_5338w8x6 head.jpg

Boomer is a 4 year old very handsome male German Shorthaired Pointer. Before coming into rescue, Boomer had shown up as a stray in a shelter a few years earlier. Like most young purebred dogs, he received a lot of attention and was adopted. The shelter, wanting to find homes rather than euthanize, didn't have the resources to screen potential adopters and was happy to see him adopted. Unfortunately, the adopter had little knowledge of the breed and was likely overwhelmed early on attempting to manage a young GSP. While the adopters did keep him for a few years, unfortunately, he eventually was returned to the shelter. On Boomer's second visit to the shelter, he was a little older and not as desirable as he was when he was just a few years younger.

Boomer is very active and even at four years of age has the energy of a one to two year old GSP. He loves to play fetch and loves the water. He gets along with other dogs, and loves people. Boomer has ALOT of puppy energy. We do not recommend Boomer go to a home with young children.

We are looking for a home for Boomer with someone knowledgeable about the breed that knows that getting a GSP enough exercise is key. A bored GSP can be destructive while a tired GSP is a good GSP. Boomer has not had much training. When training a GSP, you first start by exercising them. Without the exercise, your training sessions can be frustrating and unproductive. Training is essential with any young GSP, and can help curb unwanted behavior that bubbles up. Boomer has an abundance of energy, and is just a happy go lucky boy!

If you have room in your home and your heart, and feel you are the right fit for Boomer, please apply here


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