
Rocket DSC_9047w8x6.jpg

Rocket Is Safe!

Most local animal shelters are experiencing high adoption rates. Dogs are claimed by their owners or adopted at an incredible rate. However, Rocket didn't end up in one of the local shelters. He showed up as a stray in a small remote animal shelter. No one came to claim him, and, amazingly, no one adopted him.

The Shelter Looks For Help

California GSP Rescue partners with several shelters, but we are not partnered with the shelter that had picked Rocket up as a stray. This shelter reached out to another "active" breed-specific rescue, unaware of a rescue for German Shorthaired Pointers. We learned of Rocket a short time later and reached out to the other rescue inquiring if they would like assistance. They did and accepted our offer. Placing dogs that aren't a breed a rescue specializes in is a challenge, and can use up valuable resources looking for a forever home. A special thanks to Volunteer David, who coordinated transport with Cassie from the other rescue and got Rocket to California GSP Rescue.

What We Know

We've had Rocket a short time. During this time, he was neutered and partially evaluated. We've had him out a few times with other dogs and are working on his socializing skills. While he gets along well with the well-socialized dogs he met, he needs a little work on proper introductions and, um, not mounting the other dogs. We are currently working on putting some weight on Rocket. It's not unusual for dogs to come into the shelters thin and be off their food due to the stressful environment. We are grateful to the Rescue Heroes that help feed the dogs.

Check back here for more information on Rocket as we continue to evaluate him.


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