
Pablo is a 1-year-old male German Shorthaired Pointer Mix. His previous owner got him while living in an apartment and gave him to a relative. The relative loved Pablo very much but felt he would do better in a more active home. Wanting what is best for him, the relatives contacted California GSP Rescue for help.

Pablo is amazing. He is very responsive and will be easy to train. He is much easier than purebred GSP’s. After playing a little, he is content curling up on his bed for a nap. He loves playing with dogs and hasn't had any issues when in group playtime. 

He loves getting attention and going for rides - although he doesn't yet jump in the car! Most of the time, car rides mean playtime with other dogs - which he loves.   

Pablo is very trainable. With the right trainer, he'll be able to learn all sorts of commands and tricks. He responds to anyone that will give him attention. 

Pablo will be the perfect dog for someone that is active but not ready for a purebred GSP. He hasn't demanded a lot of attention and has done well somedays with minimal daily exercise - however, not recommended. 

The Basics

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year

Dogs: Good with All

Cats: Okay 

Kids: Older children 

The good stuff: Loves attention and going for rides. Does well in the car.  

The challenges: Still young and will need training and exercise 

What our volunteers are saying about Pablo

Will sit for treats

Very smart and loving

Leans against you while being pet.

Will not jump on you.

Pablo is a GSP Mix, and while he is slightly less active than a GSP, he will still need exercise. If you are active and can give Pablo the training and exercise he needs, Please apply here.


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