
Ruger DSC_6675w64.jpg

Ruger is a 4 year old male German Shorthaired Pointer. He is as sweet as he is handsome, and loves to cuddle and get pets from his people.

Ruger was an owner surrender. He was unaltered, and was in a home with other unaltered males and a female unaltered dog, and there were some fights between the males over the female. Ruger’s owner felt it would be best to reach out to find him a more suitable home.

Ruger LOVES to play fetch, and will even bring the ball back to you! He knows a few commands such as “sit”, “come”, and “stay around”. He doesn’t have much leash training, so he does pull a little. Ruger is house trained and crate trained. His previous owner said he could challenge a 6 ft fence. He has not challenged the fence in our field, but he is busy playing fetch. This is something that could be managed with the right home. He is a bit overweight, from lack of exercise in his previous home, so he will certainly benefit in a home that can provide him with plenty of exercise to lose some of those excess pounds.

Ruger has been out in the field with both male and female dogs since he was neutered, and has done well. He doesn’t engage or play with them, but there has not been any issues.

We are looking for a loving forever home for Ruger who is looking for a wonderful, sweet companion. A home with older children, and no cats. Ruger would do best as an only dog in the home, but also with the right situation, he may be able to live with another mild mannered dog with proper introductions and an experienced owner who could manage it.

If you have room in your home and heart for Ruger, please apply here.


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