

Obi is an adult pointer mix with a sweet, but shy, disposition.  We believe he is about 7 years old.When we first met Obi, he was scared of everything in the shelter. Luckily, he is motivated by treats, and our volunteer was able to gain a little trust in exchange for a cookie or two. Since we've had Obi, he has learned to walk pretty well on the leash and seems less afraid of the other dogs. He can be walked alongside them without seeming to notice they are there. It is possible he could live with another mild-mannered dog with patience, but would be easiest as the only dog in the home.Since his initial evaluation, Obi is making substantial progress. Although Obi can sometimes be a little hesitant to come out of his doghouse or yard, a treat will convince him. Obi is a great companion on a walk! As is often the case, the pointer mixes are better on the leash than the GSP's, and Obi is no exception! He still is getting use to the leash but, for the most part, he is learning the leash is a positive experience.  The leash means walks and playtime or a trip to the big yard.While at the shelter he kept his distance from strangers and the workers, he is now warming up to the regular volunteers. Obi has made great progress from the shy and scared dog we met at the shelter. He is becoming a dog who enjoys pets and will even wag his tail for a stranger.We've also discovered another thing Obi loves - water!  He seems to really enjoy the kiddie pools at the rescue, and even seems to like his baths!Obi just needs a person to be patient with him while he gets used to his new home. Someone who wants to take an easy walk through the neighborhood, or even a hike - he's not too old for that!  A kiddie pool would be a bonus, and of course, plenty of treats!If you have room in your home and your heart for Obi, and feel you could be a good fit for him, please apply here.


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