

Meet Agave! A beautiful female liver ticked 12 1/2 year old  German Shorthaired Pointer. She has some of the best qualities of a GSP - she is extremely smart, very athletic, loves her ball, and is very good at learning new things. She is also very affectionate with the volunteers! Agave went to a doggy boot camp in San Diego as a younger dog and has an entire set of commands she knows well. She sits, knows down, will come to her name, and can even do doggy push ups! The training company offers lifetime training, so Agave's adopter will be able to take her back to them to join in classes - that way, her new people can learn the commands as well as Agave has!Agave has been with the same owner for many years, but was unfortunately returned to the rescue due to a move for a new job and a baby on the way. None of these were Agave's fault, and we are hoping for a new home that will be committed to make her their family for the rest of her life.The best family for Agave will have older or no children, as she doesn't have experience living with small ones. She also has not lived with other dogs and doesn't seem to appreciate their company much; she would prefer to be your only dog! We have walked her alongside other dogs at the rescue, though, and she has sniffed and walked with them without issue. She can be a little possessive over what is "hers", but we have noticed that she is more responsive to giving up her things to the volunteers who challenge her with commands. This sweet girl will be an incredible dog for an owner who will give her exercise, challenge her mind, and give her rules and structure.  In return, she will give you affection - and make you look like a pretty impressive dog trainer!If you feel you would be a good fit for Agave, please apply here.


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