

Brownie is a 2 year old solid liver male German Shorthaired Pointer. This handsome boy is on the larger side, and look at those ears! He is as cute as a button! He barks like a hound, and is a complete “velcro” dog. He absolutely loves being around people, and is just a big goofball! Brownie does pretty well on a leash, and he knows “sit” and wants to please. He is treat motivated, young and highly trainable. We have discovered that Brownie loves to play fetch, and will even bring the ball back! He jumps in the water and plays, and runs back for pets and attention.

Brownie was surrendered to the shelter by his owners claiming he was dog aggressive which prompted the shelter to label him “rescue only”. We have had him in the field with other dogs, and he has done pretty well with some of the mild mannered dogs, but because of being surrendered for allegedly being dog aggressive, we would recommend he go to a home as an only dog, or with someone who has experience with slow introductions, and able to manage him with another mild mannered dog in the home.

We don’t know if Brownie is house trained, but if he is not, he is very smart, so with a little help, it shouldn’t take long for him to learn.

Brownie is young, so an active home where he will get plenty of daily exercise and training will be key. A home where someone is retired or home most of the time would be great for Brownie, as he loves his people, and actually prefers them over other dogs.

If you are looking for a fun, loving and smart companion to accompany you on walks, hikes, a day at the beach, road trips, and afterwards, spending the evenings chilling on the couch watching a movie, Brownie could just be the guy for you!

If you are interested in Brownie, please apply here.


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