
Meet Bodhi, the Ball-Fetching Machine! This energetic one-year-old ball-loving German Shorthaired Pointer was passed around to four different homes before coming to California GSP Rescue!

You might ask, "What's wrong with him?" The short answer is, "Nothing!" He is a typical young GSP who needs, not wants, rigorous daily exercise. The wonderful part is he loves playing fetch! Don't have time for a 3-4 mile run when you get home from work, take Bodhi outside and play fetch for 30 minutes. Be sure to set an alarm because he'll go longer!

Bodhi has gotten along with all the dogs he has met and doesn't mind if they are ball hogs when playing fetch. He learned how to use a doggy door and was crate-trained in his foster home. Bodhi is an early riser who likes to start his day with a brisk walk or run - thirty minutes minimum.

The Basics:

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year

Dogs: plays

Cats: not interested

Kids: good with ones he's met

What the volunteers are saying:

Will play fetch all day!

Followed me around when I was holding the ball

Loves pets and attention

Wants to be with you

The Good Stuff:

Playful: Bodhi is always ready to go on a walk but prefers to play fetch.

Smart & Trainable: Quick to learn. He was crate-trained in a short time.

Social & Friendly: Plays and gets along well with the other dogs.

Affectionate: Bodhi is a cuddly and affectionate boy who loves to be around people.

The Challenges:

Exercise Needs: Thirty minutes at least once a day. Minimum. Don't even think about skipping.

Separation Anxiety: Very mild, but it's been managed with a daily routine, exercise, and other well-adjusted dogs. He still cries for a few minutes when you leave the room.

Training Needs: Bodhi would benefit from continued training and positive reinforcement to help him settle into his new home.

Bodhi is one of the many dogs we see come into rescue whose previous owner(s) didn't do their homework before getting a GSP. He's done well for being bounced around and will settle in well in a new home with a daily routine that includes exercise. An absolute love. Picture yourself spending evenings after work relaxing and playing fetch with this amazing GSP.

Do you have the time for Bodhi? If you're an active early riser who enjoys morning walks or runs and can handle a high-energy GSP, you will want to meet this boy. Please submit an application and speak to one of our adoption counselors today.

Bonus: Adopting a high-energy dog like Bodhi can be incredibly rewarding. You'll experience the joy of watching a dog thrive in a loving home and provide a second chance for a deserving animal.


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