Zoe Is Adopted!

Ron and Dottie are long-time GSP owners and we are so glad they came to GSP Rescue for their new family member!As experienced owners, they knew the demands of a young dog and make sure Zoe gets her walks and gets to run in their big yard daily. They are enjoying that familiar "frantic" run through the house and have been impressed that she doesn't hit a thing while sliding on the tile! Knowing they can expect a little counter-surfing and waste-basket diving from a young, curios dog, Dottie and Ron are patiently teaching her the rules of the house. In return, they are enjoying the affection and enthusiasm and excitement that a GSP brings to a family. Zoe is really enjoying the attention, love, and memory-foam beds provided by her doting new folks!Thank you Ron and Dottie for giving Zoe a loving forever home!




In Memoriam of Charlie