In Memoriam of Charlie

Charlie2Recently, we were notified that one of our own volunteers lost her best friend.  Amy and her daughter could have adopted any one of the young GSP's in our care, but decided to adopt a senior GSP instead.  Amy tells us why..."I must say that when I first saw Charlie, he was nothing like what I thought that I wanted. He was HUGE (90 pounds), he was older and he definitely didn’t play ball like my daughter wanted, but in reality he was perfect in every way for our family. His hugeness (and deep bark) protected me during our night runs. His age was perfect to give my daughter the confidence of thinking she taught Charlie everything he knows (coming to us as a senior, he obviously knew the ropes) and all in all, the ball thing never came into play because he was more interested in following us around then he was with chasing a ball.Charlie came to us as a Senior and everyone thought I was crazy for adopting a dog who was on his “last leg “.  Everyone soon saw though what I saw. A dog that still had lots of love to give, who would make us laugh and smile and most importantly be a best friend to my daughter and me.  The bond that we formed was incredible. Charlie became our constant companion, protector and love bug.  The familiar scratch at the door told me at night that he had done his job of putting the little one to sleep (I would find her curled up on HIS bed with HER blankets), and now it was time for him to climb up on the couch and moan with complete happiness as he snuggled in next to me for an hour or so of TV viewing.Everyone who encountered Charlie, quickly learned what a special dog he was, and everyone had their own nickname for him. There was Chuck (his original name), Charlie, Bigfoot, Sir Charles and of course Charrrr-leeeeee! We were truly blessed the day that Charlie chose us to be his forever home. His big paw prints have left an impression on our hearts and we will be forever grateful for the time that was given to us".Our hearts go out to Amy and her daughter.  Thank you for sharing Charlie's story and for providing  a loving happy home to a senior GSP in need.Rest in peace Charlie... You will be missed by all of us.[portfolio_slideshow slideheight=400]


Zoe Is Adopted!

