Wyatt Is Safe!

Wyatt Earp GSP Shelter Safe Rescue In several of the "safe posts" we have mentioned where California GSP Rescue has rescued dogs that were relinquished to the shelter by their owners. In each post we mention that the shelter is under no obligation to hold the dog. Just as they do with strays, the relinquished dog can be euthanized as soon as the owner walks out the door.Shelters aren't rescues. Merriam-Webster defines a shelter as follows: "an establishment that houses and feeds stray animals". Stray animals. Not dogs or cats that have become a nuisance since you thought they were so cute as puppies or kittens. Not dogs or cats that are an inconvenience because you are moving and don't want to deal with finding a place that is pet friendly. Not dogs or cats that are sick and you are unable to "afford" getting them the medical attention they need. Shelters are for stray animals. Of course, there are many dogs like Wyatt that are relinquished to kill shelters because the owner thinks they are going to be adopted, when in fact the majority of the animals will be euthanized. Fortunately for Wyatt, he was relinquished to a shelter that is regularly monitored by California GSP Rescue.We were aware a short time after the owner drove away that there was a purebred GSP sitting in a kennel. Knowing he wasn't the younger more adoptable dog, we sent out requests to pull and transport. Fortunately, Volunteer David was able to go by the shelter and pull Wyatt. Volunteer Dana quickly replied letting us know that she could help transport. Once the entire transport was arranged, we let the shelter know we would be coming to get Wyatt. Within a day of being notified about Wyatt, plans were in place to see he was safe.Volunteers David and Dana played a key role in making sure Wyatt was safe. As an all volunteer organization, we rely on individuals who willingly give their time to help. Much work is involved - much of it happens on the back end with other Volunteers helping process applications, plan adoption events, organize fundraisers, and to see this post gets published. If you are unable to help transport but would like to assist us in other ways, please, let us know and we'll see how you can help. If you are unable to donate your time, please consider making a small donation to help sponsor Wyatt, and allow California GSP Rescue to continue making sure dogs are safe![donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Wyatt" description="Please help support our efforts by making a small donation to sponsor Wyatt" style="wdf-fresh"] 


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