Meet Oscar!

Oscar GSP Rescue Meet PointerOscar is an 8 year old liver and white ticked male purebred German Shorthaired Pointer who has a love of riding in cars - and even does well in airplanes!Oscar came to us from Northern California via the Pilots N Paws organization - a group of pilots that volunteer to get dogs from an area where there isn't room at a shelter or rescue, to an area where a rescue - like California GSP Rescue - can take him in and find him the home he deserves.Oscar is an affectionate sweet boy, and will gladly jump up to give you a hug and a snuggle. This boy also knows a few commands; so far we have discovered he has sit, lay down, and shake in his repertoire. Of course, a GSP is never too old to learn more! Oscar enjoys his treats and, since he needs to gain a little weight, we encourage LOTS of them! This distinguished gentleman is not too proud to roll over and ask for a belly rub either, so any applicant for Oscar must be good at belly rubs!Oscar is a typical "velcro" GSP and loves to be around his people as much as possible. We aren't sure if the whining when left alone is just because of the many changes he's had recently, but with some time and training he can feel more comfortable on his own. Another doggy buddy may help too and Oscar has been very good with the other dogs at the Rescue's kennel - even the little doggies!As with any German Shorthair, he would thrive in an environment where he could accompany his owner to work, or where someone works from home. Oscar is at an awesome age, too, where a shorthair still has plenty of energy for walks, hikes, playing ball and trips to the beach, but also knows when it is time to chill and doesn't mind skipping a day of exercise now and again if it is raining (okay, that's not too often in SoCal, but you get the picture!) Oscar is a great dog looking for a great home!If you feel that Oscar may be a good fit for your family, and want to learn more about him, please apply here.


Ryley is Adopted!


Wyatt Is Safe!