Valentine is a happy camper

One of the joys of fostering is taking our foster dogs on new adventures. Sometimes we discover, though, that the adventure isn't new. We recently took our  foster dog, Valentine, camping with us in the desert. As soon as we turned off onto the dirt road, she began to shake with excitement. A few minutes down the dirt road and she was barking at the window. When we arrived, I lifted Valentine out of the truck and off she ran, zig-zagging through the little chaparral bushes and barking with excitement.  It was as if she was announcing to everyone, "Hey, its Valentine, and I'm back!"  It seemed as if she'd been there before.We've taken many foster dogs camping, and many required tethers or x-pens or leashes - not Valentine. She stayed inside the circle of campers without a tether. She got along with all of the other camping dogs, and we could take walks without a leash, as I knew she would always come back to my call. The sound of the motorcycles didn't scare her - she just casually trotted back to the camper where she knew she would wait for our return. Valentine visited all of our camping friends, demanded a few pets, and endeared herself to everyone she met. Somewhere in her 12 years, there had been other camping adventures, and we will be happy to take her on more, until she finds her forever home.Learn more about Valentine.




Elmo is adopted!